Education / Events

Nobody Caries

Address: 835 Industrial Rd, San Carlos, CA, 94070


Nobody Caries

Brian Novy, DDS

3 CE Unit (Core)

Sometimes it seems as though our patients don't grasp the basic concept of home care. Other times our patients with impeccable hygiene develop rampant decay and we feel helpless because we can't figure out what's going on. The mouth is a remarkable environment that cariologists are finally beginning to understand, and so can you. Come learn everything you didn't know about plaque and the amazing organisms that make the mouth a wonderful place to work.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the mixed ecological approach to caries causation
  • Apply Evidence Based and novel preventive therapies
  • Quickly identify high caries risk patients before they develop disease
  • Stop "watching" lesions and see them get smaller


Brian Novy, DDS is the Chief Dental Officer of the Alliance Dental Center, Massachusetts Public Employees Fund with faculty appointments at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Western University. His awards include the Academy of General Dentistry Weclew Award, The ADA Evidence Based Practice Award, The AADR/IADR Gies Award, and the ADA Adult Preventive Care Practice of the Year. He served on the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs from 2010-2014, and as President of the CAMBRA coalition. In 2016 he was appointed the Consumer Advocate, United States Food and Drug Administration Dental Products Panel.